Architectural Control
Guidelines and Procedures
Homeowner Deed Agreement
All Lost Creek residences are covered by deed restrictions. These are sometimes referred to as Codicils, Covenants and Restrictions, or CCRs. As a requirement of home ownership within Lost Creek, every homeowner agrees to a set of CCRs when the home is purchased. The purchaser signs this agreement as a part of the closing process, most often at the Title company office.
You can get a PDF file of your deed restrictions on the Limited District's website:
The purpose of CCRs is to maintain the character of the Lost Creek neighborhood. Lost Creek CCRs strive to maintain the residential and neighborly character that attracted people to choose Lost Creek for their home. CCRs help maintain the neighborhood character as homes are enlarged and enhanced.
Architectural Control Approval
The LCNA maintains an Architectural Control Committee. Residents are required to receive approval from the Architectural Control Committee before proceeding with home expansion or other improvements as outlined in deed restrictions documents. Before spending too much money on home improvements, you should review your deed restriction document and familiarize yourself with the various building restrictions.
In addition to deed restriction compliance, the Architectural Control Committee may also seek input from your neighbors who may be impacted by your expansion. Site lines, view obstruction, etc. of your neighbors are another parameter of the Architectural Control Committee approval process. When homeowners talk to and seek neighbor support of home improvements, the approval process is quite smooth.
Deed Restriction Enforcement
While the Neighborhood Association Architectural Control Committee is responsible for approving home improvements, it is the Lost Creek Limited District that is responsible for pursuing CCR violation enforcement. On occasion, homes in Lost Creek have strayed from the word and intent of CCRs to the extent that neighbors have complained to the District. For the vast majority of these cases, a notice to the homeowner from the LD is sufficient to resolve the neighbors' objections. For the rare case when homeowners have resisted, the Limited District has and will execute its power to force deed compliance through court interaction.
In nearly every case, however, problems could have been avoided by following the architectural approval process. By obtaining approval, the homeowner is assured that delays will most likely be avoided.
Room for Growth
Your Lost Creek deed restrictions are not rigid. They allow for flexibility and creativity while protecting your (and your neighbor's) investment in Lost Creek. Many homes within Lost Creek have had improvements made -- and Lost Creek still maintains its residential character. CCRs are a way of ensuring that continues.