10/24/2021 - Cameras Policy - The LCNA adopted policy and opt-out link can be viewed here
New residents or residents wishing to register for the first time can do so by:
1. Clicking on “Register” at the top right of this screen.
2. Fill out the information form and submit.
3. Pay via credit card or direct transfer. (This step is optional and may be completed later if desired.)
4. Check your email. An email will be sent with your username and a link to "Reset Password." Click the link, and set your new password. Log in using your new password.
5. Go to your Profile and complete your household registration by adding other adults in your household (Level 2) and children (Level 3).
Upon completion of this process, other adults in the household will receive an email with a "Reset Password" link for creating their own password. The "forgot my password" function on the login page may also be used. The username will be their email address.
Note: One primary user should register all members of the household. Contact us with any difficulties at secretary@lcna.com.